X Logotype 3D

A Unique Product Development Team

For Entrepreneurs, Inventors and Start-ups ONLY!


YES!  We understand how you think and

we know your needs because we

are in this business too.


We can help you in many ways beyond

design and engineering. We have ideated,

engineered, designed, manufactured, marketed

distributed, sold and managed our own

products so we know how to do it!

It isn’t easy, but it is doable!


We have innovative ways to work with

individuals, start-ups and small companies 

that do not require loarge sums of money.  

We cannot work without compensation 

but, if we choose to work with you,

we will do that in ways you can afford.


Don’t say “no” for us.  Give us a chance to

talk to you and assess your ideas.  The very least

you will receive is knowledge of what we think

and our best advice on how you might proceed.


Confidentiality is assured!

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From an entrepreneur:

“I got what I needed when I needed it!”

Xcentric, Inc.  •  Charlotte, NC  •   ed@xcninc.com  © Xcentric, Inc. 2012-2018